Money-Making Software
that's drastically needed by opportunity seekers!

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Q. What's the least expensive, most far-reaching, easiest-to-use method for building a multilevel marketing powerhouse that's the next best thing to printing money at home?

A.Make that method'S (plural) -- four to be exact, all on the Internet.

The spectacular popularity of multilevel marketing is well deserved, because it requires next-to-no up-front investment, hardly any overhead expenses and few skills besides personal energy and persistence. However, most MLM enthusiasts fail to take full advantage of the downline building tools available on the Internet.

Internet marketing reaches people all around the world, many of whom share an eagerness to earn extra cash without spending a fortune. Even so, without understanding exactly how to go about attracting a downline on the Net, efforts don't produce the kind of income stream people dream about.

This Info-Report Software shows opportunity seekers how to use not just one, but four inexpensive, powerful Information Age marketing tools to build a world-class MLM downline. 

Not only does it explain how to use the Internet to make scads of money, this stunning program becomes a lucrative Mail Order product in its own right! Customers love the fact that they can not only use the tips to build their downline but also resell the product along with complete resale and reproduction rights. 

What this Info Report Software Contains
"Building an MLM Empire Using the Internet" for Windows 95/98 is an Info-Report Software product that tears the veil off the most powerful low-cost marketing methods ever invented. It explains:
arrow-red.gif (101 bytes) Why the Internet means selling without any personal rejection whatsoever (imagine how much more motivated you'll be when you don't have to hear that horrible word "NO"!)
arrow-red.gif (101 bytes) The cheapest way of going after the 2 percent response that can earn you a fortune (that's right, only a 2 percent response can turn you into a millionaire)
arrow-red.gif (101 bytes) How email on demand supplies a missing step in many marketing programs (imagine, no more stuffing envelopes or manually replying to e-mail!)
arrow-red.gif (101 bytes) How the World Wide Web allows you to get the effect of a multi-page magazine ad for the price of a classified ad (so you can communicate the equivalent of thousands of dollars worth of ad space for less than a hundred bucks)
arrow-red.gif (101 bytes) Why a self-replicating Web page overcomes the #1 hesitation many people have in signing on to an MLM downline (it eliminates the need to learn something new or to perform hard work!)
Own the Rights - Sell the Rights!
This top-quality Info-Report Software looks spectacular, is fun to use, loads easily and can earn you buckets upon buckets of money. How can I be so certain? When you resell it, you also sell buyers the right to reproduce it on their home computer for resale -- with reproduction rights included -- so that it becomes a money-maker for them as well as a valuable information tool. Few MLM enthusiasts will be able to resist buying given that feature!

Remember that there are hundreds of thousands of people searching for a way to make involvement in MLM pay off. "Building an MLM Empire Using the Internet" is exclusive Info-Report Software that enables them to do exactly that!

$ 11.97

Easy Publisher 2000
Lester Kelly
4314 SouthPark
Tyler, Texas 75703
(903) 581-5404
© 2003 Easy Publisher 2000 All Rights Reserved

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